Optimize Wordpress

How to Speed Optimization

If you think your website takes too much time to load maybe you should.‌

  1. Install a Cache Plugin for WordPress. We recommend W3 Total Cache.

  2. Install an Image Compress Plugin. We recommend WP Smush It.

  3. Install a Database Optimizer Plugin We recommend WP Optimize

  4. Reduce the number of posts on the page

  5. Reduce the number of unnecessary plugins.

  6. Use more icons and less images.

To install plugin Autoptimize , please go to plugin and find plugin "Autoptimize"

Next go to Dashboard ->> Settings ->> Autoptimize‌

Set up option main like :

Option Extra‌

Plugin Cache to delete all caches of theme.‌

Then install plugin cache :

Next go to Dashboard ->> Settings ->> Cache‌

Choose option caching on to turn on plugin :‌

Then you can click button test cache to check it

Last updated