Add New, Edit, Update

Create, Edit, Delete Attributes, Using Attribute Types

  1. Add New Attribute

Select Add New to create new attribute.

To create a new attribute, click on Attribute.

Fill attribute information as Title, Name, Affix, Type:

Here, during creating an attribute, you can use types, here more common types are available for you. To see them, click on the type drop-down menu.

After saving new attribute, you can see all attributes available on Listing Type here. Then hover on Attribute you want to edit or delete.

Alternatively, you can also directly add new attributes on the edit listing type page. Created here, there are only 3 main information including Title, Name, Type. To add other information you need to return to the Attribute page above to edit

2. Edit Attribute

Choose attribute and click "Edit" attribute as soon as you want to make the changes information as title, icon, name, type. Then "Update" to save the changes.

3. Delete Attribute:

Choose "Delete" attribute if you don't want to use.

To delete attributes of type select, you should go to the items list to delete the options of that attribute first. This ensures that the attribute options are cleared

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