Submit Property
To create property easy and quickly
Last updated
To create property easy and quickly
Last updated
Adding a property is straigh forward, we are broken it down into a few steps
General tab : please fill in all information about title , description , price ... then click button "Next Step"
2. Media tab: In this tab you can upload image for property... then click button " Next Step"
3. Location tab: Fill in all information about country, states, address... then click button " Next Step"
4. Information tab: In this tab will display all option about built year, bedrooms,.... then click button "Next Step"
5. Amenities tab: Please choose option include with property . Then click button "Next Step"
6. Facilities tab: Add facility for property . Click button "Next Step"
7. Apartments tab: Please add one of more apartment for property . Then click button "Next Step"
8.Floor plans tab: You can add one or more floor of property. Then click buton "Save property".
After submit property, please wait until administrator approve your property. Your property will display in front-end and display in your property.