Optimize WordPress

If you think your website takes too much time to load maybe you should.

  1. Install a Cache Plugin for WordPress. We recommend W3 Total Cache.

  2. Install an Image Compress Plugin. We recommend WP Smush It.​

  3. Install a Database Optimizer Plugin We recommend WP Optimize​

  4. Reduce the number of posts on the page

  5. Reduce the number of unnecessary plugins.

  6. Use more icons and less images.

To install plugin Autoptimize , please go to plugin and find plugin "Autoptimize"

Next go to Dashboard ->> Settings ->> Autoptimize

Set up option main like :

Option Extra

Plugin Cache to delete all caches of theme.

Then install plugin cache :

Next go to Dashboard ->> Settings ->> Cache

Choose option caching on to turn on plugin :

Then you can click button test cache to check it​

Last updated