
You can change content and logo quickly

1. Logo : If you want to change logo, please go to this located and you can see folder has logo in there.

Located in: src\components\common\headers\common\logo.jsx file 

<!-- logo-->

<Link to={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/`} className="custom-logo-link">
    <span className="screen-reader-text">MaisonCo Single Property</span>
    <img src={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/assets/images/${props.logo}`} alt="" className="img-fluid" />

2. Menu : Change name of menu

Located in : public\api\menu.json file

<!-- sample json data -->

    "name": "Home",
    "link": "/",
    "children": [
            "name": "Home 2",
            "link": "/home-2",
            "children": []
            "name": "Home 3",
            "link": "/home-3",
            "children": []
            "name": "Home 4",
            "link": "/home-4",
            "children": []

3. Schedule a visit : you can change name of section when go to folder has this file and find a code below.

Located in : src\components\common\headers\header-one.jsx file

<button type="button" className="btn btn-outline-primary">Schedule a visit</button>

4. SliderShow

  import SliderHome from "./common/slider/slider";

<div className="section-wrapper pt-0 pb-0">

5. Overview

import OverviewSection from "./sections/overview/overview";

 <div className="section-wrapper">

6. Count Up will be called by a code

import CounterBlock from "./common/countup/countup";

<div className="section-wrapper">

7 + 8 :

import AmenitiesSection from "./sections/amenities/amenities";

<div className="section-wrapper pl-6 pr-6">
import CarouselPage1 from "../../common/slider/slider1" ;


import Heading from "../../common/heading/heading" ;

 <Heading>BUILDING AMENITIES</Heading>

9. How to get "Our services - Style01" section

import OurServicesSection from "./sections/ourservices/ourservices" ;

<div className="section-wrapper">

10. How to get tabs of "Apartments"

import ApartmentsPlansSection from "./sections/ourvalues/ourvalues";

<div className="section-wrapper">

11. How to get "Accordion" section

import NeighborhoodsSection from "./sections/neighborhoods/neighborhoods";

 <div className="section-wrapper">
     <NeighborhoodsSection />

12. Select Availability .

import AvailabilitySection from "./sections/availability/availability" ;

<div className="section-wrapper">

13. Call to action

import CallToActionSection from "./sections/caltoaction/caltoaction" ;

<div className="section-wrapper pb-0">

14. Blog : How to get style for blog

import BlogBlockGridStyle2 from "./common/blog/blog1" ;

<div className="section-wrapper" style={{backgroundColor: "#f8f8f8"}}>
Located in  : src\components\common\footers\footer-one.jsx file 

Last updated