
Setting up Blog for Website

1. Create the blog post

Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard) Step 2 - Click the 'Posts' tab. Step 3 - Click the 'Add New' sub-tab. Step 4 - Start filling in the blanks: enter your post title in the upper field, and enter your post body content in the main post editing box below it. Step 5 - As needed, select a category, add tags, post format, fill in the meta settings below the editor. Step 6 - Upload a featured image for your Post.

Step 7 - Select Post Format. You can create blog post with a lot of Formats like link, gallery, image ..... Select format on Format box from in right sidebar.

Step 8 - Scroll down until you see the Format setting box, there you will be able to customize the post.

Step 9 - When your post is ready, click Publish.

2. Manager current all blogs

Navigate to PostsAll Posts .

You can see all informations of you blog post, add new, edit or delete them.

3. Create Blog Page

Option 1. Create Blog Page with Visual Element

Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard). Step 2 - Click on Pages > Add New. Step 3 - Give your page a name then Change the Editor to Backend Editor ( you need to have the Visual Composer plugin activated ). Step 4 - Click on the Add Element button .

Step 5 - Select the Widget.

In Element you can config to display :

Front end look like :

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