Setup environment
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The booking rules differ depending on the business. For example, you have to set basic booking period on “1 day” for car rental, “1 night” for apartments, or “recurrent custom” for tours. Use booking mode option to define what you rent: whole “object” like rooms, apartments or cars, “places” in hostel or “tickets” for tours. Note, that age categories for prices will not used with “object” booking mode.
Triply theme use Tour rule for Tour booking.
If you want to set prices based on the age of the customers, you have to add all ages as terms in the Ages taxonomy. Note, that “order” meta field is required. It defines the main age for basic price calculation. With the smallest number will be the main age (usually – adult), others will be sorted by ASC.
You could create different custom taxonomies (Features, Amenities, Activities, Destinations, etc.) from “Taxonomies” menu to use with the Categories on the next step. Each taxonomy is created first as a term. Then, after updating the web page, the taxonomy appears in the main menu of the plugin with its name. Triply theme uses 2 Taxonomy for All tours
The basic post configurations are created as terms in “Categories” taxonomy for use as templates in our booking objects. You should define here booking rule, taxes, additional services, questions & answers, other taxonomies, step by step description and Google map integration. You could create as many categories as you need.
The plugin requires at least one configured category to be used in the booking object post creation. Triply theme uses Tour category for all tours
The plugin allows you to add Questions & Answers to your booking object page in a simple way, by creating FAQ posts and selecting them when editing a booking object post.
In a similar manner you could create additional services to sell them with bookings. Service price could be calculated per Booking, per Person, per Day, per Night, per Person/day or per Person/night. This can be one common price for all ages or a different price by age.