Add Room

Step 1 - Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard). Step 2 - Click the 'Rooms' tab

Step 3 - Click the 'Add Room' sub tab

Step 4 - Start filling in the blanks: enter your subcription plans title in the upper field, and enter your room body content in the main room editing box below it. Step 5 - As needed, select room categories, and room tags. Step 6 - As needed, select set image of room image. Step 7 - Scroll down until you see the Room data box, there you will be able to customize the room and fill in all information in there.

+ General

Number of room: Please insert number room.

Base price: Set up price for room.

Capacities: Insert number people can live in a room.

Childrens: Insert number of childrens can stay in a room.

Minium night: Insert number of night that customer can live in there.

Bed: How many bed in a room.

+ Discount

Set up discount for this room

+ Extra Price

Set up extra price for adults or childrens

+ Packages

Choose package if you want to use it.

+ Amenities

Choose yes or no to publish facilities of the room.

+ Extra Amenities

Add more amenities if the room has.

+ Description

Enter your description about the room.

Step 8 - Scroll down until you see the Room pricing box, there you will be able to customize the room and fill in all information in there.

Please insert price for a day or weekend if the room need to extra price.

Step 9 - When Room is readly, click button"Publish".

The Room look like:

Last updated